Friday, September 12, 2014

All light has shadows.

If you look at any color, you will always be able to find a light variation and darker variation. Not all that shines is gold. Sometimes things that seem right might just be the farthest from. What I want to get to is that creeds may also have negative effects. Hostility, stubbornness, intolerance, and hate are a few side effects that creeds could cause. An example of creed gone wrong would be the Holocaust. Many lives were lost due to no real offense other than being different.
What's disturbing is that still to this day genocide, or the deliberate killing of a large group of people, especially those of a particular ethnic group or nation, still exists. Look at the at the middle east or in central Africa. People are dying for uncontrollable things. Dying because they are different. Hate crimes because your family has a belief different than others.
Just as crazy are the things happening here at home. For example the recent coverage on Ferguson, Mo. There's also the bullying and hate crimes that we see everyday but don't think much about. Killing yourself because you are too scared to go to school because your different seems to be an other example. Racist remarks you hear because your skin is darker. Because your have blue eyes. Because you speak another language. Because you wear "traditional" clothing. 
Just as creeds can be a very positive way to think, they can be dark too. I'm one to believe but with an open mind. We are all different and that's what makes the world beautiful. Diversity adds character, quirkiness, uniqueness, color to life. Live with an open mind, open heart and it's amazing the connections you can make. It's 2014, lets celebrate diversity. Even that's a creed.

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