Friday, September 19, 2014

22 years of age and I already feel way older than these younger generations. Growing up, social networks were for college kids and high school. Myspace was the big thing then. If you were a middle schooler and had a Myspace, it was more than likely that you lied on your age, and were kind of considered a loser. Until high school came along. If you weren't on Myspace changing you profile lay out every week or changing the song that automatically played to some hip rap song, you weren't an American teenager. Back then it was only that and Instant Messenger. Now you go online and go to any website and it ends up being some type of social network. That's great that we are all connected, but some people "over-connect" and take their social pages way to seriously. I am not saying I am not guilty of having multiple social pages but when your posting videos and provocative pictures just to get likes I think it is time to start doing some outdoor activities. There is not a day I go on any social media platform in which I don't see some kid posting: "Get this status to 50 likes and I'll put my hand on fire" or "Do it for the [insert favorite social media]" Come on people...

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