Monday, September 22, 2014

Age is but a number.

Being a teen, you always look up to the day when your finally 18.  That magical number that makes it seem like you are now an adult. You are free to do anything you want, except drink. You know many other countries legal drinking age is 18. Just wanted to share a fact. As you grow past 18 you look forward to when your finally 21 and can be free to go anywhere without restriction. After 21 there really isn't any age that seems like a milestone. At 21 is when you finally realize "Holy crap, I'm an adult. What do I do now?!" At least that's what happened to me. All through high school I always tended to look younger than the rest of my classmates so I was never surprised when teachers and students who didn't know me thought I was a sophomore when in reality I was a senior. Back then it was so annoying. It was annoying when I would go to the gas station and try to purchase lotto tickets and I'd be asked for my ID. It would be even more annoying when I would be asked of it was a fake. At 21 I was always asked for my ID when purchasing alcohol. Even when I was a regular. After some time they stopped asking for my ID and I started to miss it. I would wonder if I looked older than I was now. I mean the peach fuzz on my face finally looks like facial hair but other than that I look the same. After going so long without being asked for an ID, anytime I was, I would get so excited because right then my fear of looking older was demolished. I consider my young looks a blessing now. I mean Hollywood actors and actresses spend millions to look younger. Hopefully that won't be an investment I'll have to make anytime soon. Today I went to my girlfriend's middle school aged sisters basketball game and was able to pass of for a high school student. A 22 year old passing off as a high school student. She must of thought I was a senior or something. Either way it felt kinda good that even to a teacher I could still pass off as a student. I mean I am a student just not a high school student. I'll use to my advantage while I can. No that doesn't mean dating underage high school girls. That's just sick.

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